Multi-element system for VR and AR enhanced education in primary and secondary schools

Traditional education systems have been implementing the same learning models for decades. Today, teachers are standing in front of their students just like they did a hundred years ago. Education is one of the few branches of work that has not experienced substantial change in the 21st century. Thus we develop and provide efficient learning experiences beyond today’s traditional teaching tools – the pen, paper and textbooks. Our goal is to improve education in Poland with easily accessible digital tools based on the VR/AR content. The main focus is to keep it simple and inexpensive, to make modern educational technology available for anyone, everywhere.

eduVR comes complete with a huge range of pedagogically sound, engaging content along with structured lesson plans to help spark the imagination of students, leaving them with memories and experiences that help visualise and understand even the most complex of educational subjects. Thanks to VR every student can enter a limitless selection of worlds (including historical, geographical, scientific and narrative based) and learn about it by choosing the part of the world they want to look at and interact it. It gives students an opportunity to learn in a truly immersive manner, to overcome barriers, facilitate different learning styles, and achieve results in a way that was previously, and is otherwise, impossible.

  • Interaction: eduVR learning doesn’t only help pupils to study. It gives them the opportunity to engage, too. With so much contextual information displayed around the classroom, it is getting easier to follow lectures, understand complex themes, and speak your mind about it all.
  • Learn anywhere, anytime: Long distance learning is not a new thing but AR and VR have taken it one step further. Tomorrow’s students will be able to attend virtual classes and online courses from the comfort of their homes. They also get to choose the timing, setting the studying pace that fits a specific daily schedule. All this makes the future learning experience cheaper, faster, and more productive.
  • Career choices: In the age of virtual reality, each student will get the opportunity to test various industries and decide what seems to be the ideal career for him or her. Making a career choice will not be as stressful as it used to be and students will make less wrong decisions along the way.
  • Gamification: Gamification elements increase engagement rates in the classrooms, stimulating kids to participate in practical tasks and the corresponding debates. Studying through games already proved to enhance children’s learning capabilities but the results are expected to be even better with the help from AR and VR tools.
  • Variety: both VR and AR allow personalized learning but they also enable students to choose from a wide variety of courses. 

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